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Nos especializamos en trabajar con personas con barreras importantes para encontrar vivienda y empleo estables.

Servicios para adultos y familias de Mystis
5608 17th Avenue Noroeste, Seattle, Washington 98107, Estados Unidos
Segunda ubicación Tacoma – Centro de Pacific Avenue 1201 Pacific Avenue, sexto piso Tacoma, WA 98402

We have years of experience helping clients access resources to housing, employment, and other social supports such as SSI, Food Stamps, and other services to help you get back on your feet. We connect our clients in need to rent assistance, utility help, housing supports and employment.
We know you need support. We assess your level of need and provide you with resources or direct assistance to get you back on your feet again. Whether you have just re-entered society, a mother, father, senior or single we work with you to increase your health through housing and social support.

Contact Us

Monday - Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday - Sunday Closed